
The Secret To Staying Creative | A Modern Calligraphy Class With Plume Calligraphy

Would you believe me if I told you that the secret to being creative is actually about play?    PlumeCalligraphy-SarahWalker-03

They say creativity begets creativity. In other words, playing with new mediums – whatever they may be – can lead back into creativity in your own professional practice. Most importantly, creative play opens you up to new ideas and ways of seeing the world.

So lately I’ve been playing by learning the art of modern calligraphy. Guys, I have absolutely fallen for it. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll see little snippets of it in my feed. It’s almost meditative as you start to find your groove, and I feel like my calligraphy game got way stronger after a private tutorial I had recently with my lovely friend Aileen Fretz of Plume Calligraphy.


Like me, Aileen is a slashie: in her case, a calligrapher slash photographer slash graphic designer slash artist slash wife and mom. If you don’t currently follow her on Instagram, today is the day to fix that. I mean, just look at this daily dose of gorgeous:


Aileen’s work has been featured on wedding sites like Style Me Pretty, Once Wed and the UK’s Wedding Sparrow – as well as the gorgeous online lifestyle mag Cottage Hill – because all her work is stunning. Here’s a sneak peek at a recent Plume Calligraphy feature on Style Me Pretty:


In addition to all her ridiculous talent, Aileen is also an incredibly inspiring and generous-hearted teacher, full of insights and little tidbits to up your calligraphy game. I came away from our time together so excited to keep exploring as I keep pursuing my own hand lettering style, and I loved how Aileen sparked new ideas in me. I could have spent hours with her!

 PlumeCalligraphy-SarahWalker-01 PlumeCalligraphy-SarahWalker-05

Never one to keep a good thing all to myself, I asked Aileen if she would partner with me to share a Modern Calligraphy Workshop with you lovelies, and gratefully she said YES!


My favourite purveyor of fine fabrics, wall coverings, furnishings and accessories – Kravet – is kindly hosting us in their Mississauga showroom, and there are just 12 spots available.

Here are the details:

taught by
hosted by
TIME: 10am-12pm
COST: $125*
*All calligraphy materials are included in the class fee. 
Light refreshments will be served.

If you are interested in joining us, please reserve your spot by emailing me at sarah@thecuratedhouse.com. We’re so excited to have you join us!

Cheers to raising your creative game, friends.


*All photos by White Photographie except where otherwise noted.


By |August 11th, 2015|0 Comments

The Art of Inspiration: Photographer + Filmmaker Brooks Reynolds | Indie Musician Alexander Fairchild

Art begets art. Creativity begets creativity. Inspiration begets inspiration. This is what I truly believe, and this is why I explore, experiment with and express my own creativity through various mediums, always attempting to break down the cardboard boxes that quietly and insidiously attempt to contain the ideas and keep them small. It is also why I am always interested in connecting with creative artists of all mediums. There is no better source of inspiration than someone who is inspired themselves.

Brooks Reynolds is an inspired and truly inspiring photographer and burgeoning filmmaker. I’ve had the privilege of working with him on past projects, and I thought I would share a bit of his work with you in the hopes that he inspires you, too.

As you can see, Brooks’ work has a very distinctive look to it no matter the project. I can’t wait for him to do another run of prints so that I can purchase a print of the first image you see above (the one of the girl in the red dress holding the Polaroid camera). The saturation of colour and vintage warmth have me charmed, and I think this print will make the perfect starting point for a new grouping of art here in our home.

A photographer who bridges fine art and commercial work with artistic integrity and authenticity, Brooks has recently moved beyond stills into filmmaking, most notably by creating beautifully organic and visually inspired music videos. Given that I love indie music – and that this musical artist happens to be a friend of mine – I couldn’t resist sharing this video with you.

Alexander Fairchild is something of a creative genius, playing all of the instruments (and of course singing all of the vocal tracks) featured on his prolific and ever-expanding catalogue of records. If like me you are charmed by witty, thoughtful lyrics…if you love a more stripped-back and organic, folk-inspired aesthetic with a decidedly modern edge…and if you have a penchant for love songs that paint delightfully unexpected pictures on the canvas of your imagination…then this is the artist for you.

They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, so I can only conclude that temporarily unavailable albums must make an artist’s new release all the more highly anticipated. No doubt that will be the case here. Alexander Fairchild Volumes 1, 2 and 3 have been temporarily pulled from iTunes in preparation for an exciting release coming soon. I’ll definitely keep you posted on dates and details. In the meantime, you can get your fix by keeping this video on repeat.

Off to snuggle up with my guys and have another listen. Hope this leaves you inspired for a weekend filled with creativity!


By |July 6th, 2012|2 Comments