The Curated Collection | Claire Desjardins | The Evolution of a Painting
I have long been fascinated with process. Admiration quickly turns to curiosity for me, filled with a desire to understand the process that leads to the end product. This applies to countless forms – from furniture making to fashion to textiles to art. But perhaps nowhere is the mystery more mysterious to me than in the realm of fine art.
Even if we can see something of the process unfold, we can never understand it scientifically, for art is the laying down of an artist’s heart onto canvas or photograph or sculpture or print. An artist’s unique view to the world and their translation of it into a work of art is and always will be as one-of-a-kind as a thumbprint. Perhaps this is why my art addiction has such endless appetite.
“All of my work is an attempt
to decipher the chatter in my head,
to put forward a less awkward
side of myself, to navigate
through my everyday chaos
towards calm.”
– Claire Desjardins
Today’s inspiration is a voyeuristic entrée into the world of process, thanks to abstract painter Claire Desjardins. Her work entitled “Supersize” was the result of an unfettered month spent in artistic retreat at the Vermont Studio Center. Most gratefully, she documented the evolution of this massive piece.
“I poured each drop,
saturated puddle by puddle,
one at a time, layer upon layer,
to create a fizzy sensation for the viewer,
when standing in front of the work.
I used thick blends of mostly pure colours,
mixed with various polymer mediums,
in order to create a plastic feeling,
and one that makes you want to run your hand
over the smoothe lumps and bumps
that it caused across the giant sheet of canvas.
Thick texture is very important to me,
as is the shininess,
and of course,
the overall massive size.”
Interestingly, Claire recently signed an agreement with Warner Brothers, who will be using several pieces of her art in their upcoming feature film, “Winter’s Tale” (scheduled to be released sometime in 2013).
Claire’s work can be found in both private and corporate collections around the world.
Wishing you an inspired Monday!
The Curated Collection | Brent Boechler
I have long been an admirer of the work of abstract artist Brent Boechler. To describe the draw is to describe something altogether visceral. I simply connect with the work on an intuitive level – the colour, the composition, the juxtaposition of chance and intention.
Though not at all literal, there is something of the human connection implied in Boechler’s abstraction.
Perhaps it is the collision of chaos and beauty that speaks to me – a filtering of what is real into something conceptual and therefore more palatable in its limitations.
What is it about abstract art that speaks to you? Can you put words on it, or do the words feel rather like an ill-fitting dress put on a beautiful girl? That is how it is for me with Brent’s work, so I will stop stitching together the ill-fitting garment of sentences and instead wish you an inspired Monday, filled with beauty that cannot be put into words.