Designer Dream House Diaries | Touchless Technology You’ll Want In Your Home

Did you know that your garbage disposal is one of the top ten most germ-infested hot spots in your house? It’s true, and for a certifiable germaphobe like me, it’s something I’m painfully aware of every time I touch the handle of my built-in recycling centre. That’s why I got very, very excited about the new touchless technology I saw introduced while at KBIS 2016 as a part of the Modenus BlogTour.


First up is this genius motion-detected system from Hafele that opens your trash centre without any germ transfer taking place. Thank you Jeanne Khoe Chung for capturing this on video at KBIS 2016!

This innovation from Hafele is absolutely on the top of my list of Designer Dream Kitchen Must Haves. The design plan will include a 10′ long island housing two 18″ touchless trash centres flanking my massive sink.


Knowing that the kitchen faucet is The Number One most germ infested item in the house, that sink will of course be fitted with a touchless faucet from Brizo the likes of this:

I love it when beauty and function meet, and Brizo totally has my number on that front with countless styles and finishes available with SmartTouch technology integrated. Remember the brass beauty from my luxe laundry room? It’s a part of this brilliant line up, and I can’t wait to get this technology integrated into my kitchen as well. For me, it’s all about my hands covered in raw meat and being able to turn on the faucet with just the touch of my wrist. Thank you, Brizo, for addressing my germaphobe needs in style!



The piéce de résistence of my Designer Dream House Touchless Technology Wish List is what I’ve affectionately nicknamed the Tesla of Toilets. Truly in a class of its own, Toto‘s NeoRest 750H takes touchless technology to a whole new, jaw-dropping level. Here are just some of the wow-worthy features:

1/ RED CARPET ROYAL TREATMENT Would you believe me if I told you that this toilet senses your approach and lifts the lid in anticipation of your arrival? Not only is that true, but it will also learn who the males and females are in the house and lift (or not lift) the luxuriously heated seat accordingly. That’s right, your toilet will get to know you and treat you like red carpet royalty every time you approach your throne. Who doesn’t want that kind of warm welcome for their tush?

2/ TOSS YOUR TOILET SCRUBBER Let’s get technical for just a second to explain how this is possible. The NeoRest 750H has a titanium dioxide and zirconium glaze called Hydrotect that makes it almost impossible for both visible and invisible organic waste matter (including lime and mould build-up) to adhere to the bowl. In addition to the red carpet experience of the heated seat and hands-free lid-lifting, the toilet sprays a fine mist onto the bowl before you use it, further preventing organic waste matter from hanging around.

4/ TOSS THE TOILET PAPER TOO This is where the royal treatment really wows the hygienically conscious crowd. The heated seat also has a built-in personal cleansing system. Using warm, aerated water and then warm air to cleanse and dry you, the NeoRest 750H will actually improve your health and personal hygiene, allowing you to forgo the toilet paper and walk away as much as 35% cleaner every time.

5/ GIVE YOUR CLEANING LADY (+ HARSH CHEMICALS) THE DAY OFF Once the totally touchless, patented tornado flush is finished its work, the real cleaning magic begins. As a busy mom and designer, I often joke that I want cleaning fairies that appear in the night and scrub my toilets for me. Well, friends, this is the cleaning fairy I’ve been waiting for. The lid of the NeoRest 750H has an integrated UV light called Actilight built right into it. Post flush, this blue light (combined with the titanium dioxide in the Hydrotect glaze) creates a process called photocatalysis. It totally breaks down any remaining organic matter and leaves you with a fresh bowl every time without any harsh chemicals adding to the toxic load in your home. Here’s a quick video to show you how it works:

Now that is technology worth getting excited about! The truth is, as a designer I’ve been exclusively specifying Toto toilets on my client projects for over a decade. They are truly the leader in toilet technology and personal hygiene, and the NeoRest 750H dual flush toilet is the crowning jewel to Toto‘s achievements.

Because I’m so passionate about design finds that are beautiful, innovative and improve the way we live, I’ve started creating my own list of Designer Dream House Must Haves for every room in your home. In my next post, I’ll talk about the number one thing I’ll be designing my next master ensuite around to dramatically improve my health. Hint: you’re going to want one too.

Here’s to your happy, healthy, beautiful life!
