Foodie Friday #Fail

It happens to the best of us, and today it’s my turn. I had this lovely post planned – the perfect, creamy summertime treat. Homemade and inspiring and delicious. Except, it didn’t turn out. At all.

My plan was to make a decadent sugar-and-egg-free Maple Butter Gelato for today’s post. Noah, Graham and I spent most of yesterday afternoon and evening hovering over the old-fashioned ice cream maker like mother hens watching over eggs about to hatch. Well, let’s just say it didn’t hatch well.

Don’t get me wrong, the flavour is fantastic. You really can’t go wrong when combining cream with maple butter! But the texture? Grainy, mealy, weird and rather off-putting. Now, to qualify my review just a bit, Noah loved it. But this one definitely does not pass my “publish that recipe to the scrutiny of the internet” test.

I could blame the ancient ice cream maker that we borrowed from my in-laws. I could blame the weather in an absurd swing at something other than me to blame. But I blame my total lack of experience in this realm and can’t point a finger in any other direction!

I’m what Kathy Kolbe calls a Quick Start, which means I’m rather fearless about trying things I’ve never done before and planning to post about them on the internet the very next day. Some might call that crazy. For me it’s just normal. Life’s an adventure, right? I’ve never had much fun just playing it safe. Not that all my posts are created the day before – some are planned well in advance. But diving in head first and just going for it is my style. And often it works really well for me!

Well, I’ve come to learn that with that approach to life, every once in awhile it just doesn’t work out. And that’s where the Perfectionist can rear her ugly head and unforgivingly rail about the one that didn’t turn out…or the Humorist can just laugh and learn and move on.

So today may be my first Foodie Friday Fail, but I love that I get to share it with you, laugh about it and move on.

What was your worst Foodie Fail? I’d love it if you’d share your flops with me! It happens to all of us, but together we can learn to laugh and learn and move on, right?

Happy Foodie (Fail) Friday!
