
iPhone Megaphone | Old School Meets New Technology

I have a confession to make. I am not a huge technology buff. In fact, the term “techtard” has been bantered about more than once in my direction, and I’ve owned it honestly! Ask me to cook a lovely meal, design a beautiful home or to create something with my hands using raw materials? Great. Ask me to solve your technology problem? We might all find ourselves crocheted into a corner of wires and plugs. Not pretty.

My “techtardness” now on the table, it’s fair to say that you should not look to this blog for the latest updates in technology. Yes, I love my Mac and my iPhone, but I’m definitely more of a consumer than a pro. But today I just had to share something with you that wowed me. I think it’s the vintage concept brought to life in a modern way that caught my attention. I have a fondness for old-school record players and love the warmth of an old vinyl recording. Today’s feature might not quite get us back to the vibey, vintage charm of old 45’s, but it’s pretty darn cool. Friends, meet En & Is‘ beautiful, Italian designed iPhone Megaphone.

Image via www.blessthisstuff.com
Image via www.blessthisstuff.com
Image via www.blessthisstuff.com
Image via www.blessthisstuff.com
Image via En & Is
Image via En & Is

This passive {aka not powered} ceramic amplifier uses natural acoustics to optimize the best sound output from your iPhone. The simple wooden base allows the megaphone to float off the surface, thus increasing the vibration of the ceramic horn, optimizing the sonics.

This video is probably the best way to get a taste of what it’s all about.

Megaphone from RACOON_STUDIO on Vimeo.

Pretty amazing, right? The only flaw I can see is that I don’t think you can charge your phone while using the Megaphone. That said, parties where friends all DJ with their own iPhones throughout the night could solve that problem, swapping out and charging as you go!

What innovative yet brilliantly simple designs have you stumbled upon lately? Would love to hear what inspires you!


By |September 26th, 2012|0 Comments

An Ode To The Summer Picnic

Remember my recent ramblings about how a sweet and simple dress fanned into flame the spark of an idea? I don’t know about you, but I don’t choose fashion for the label or the status of it. I choose fashion because it feels like a reflection of my personality, my interests, my quirks and expressive ways, my style and quite simply myself. I choose it because it fits and reflects my life.

My closet is diverse, reflecting the need to express different moods at different times, but this dress fit like a glove in every way. A vintage silhouette with a whimsical flair, tailored yet easy, lovely but not too serious. And so it is most befitting that this feminine frock also led to the creation of this video, paying homage to the last few days of summer and one of my favourite ways to spend them – picnicking with friends, surrounded by nature, savouring gourmet flavours, together.

An Ode to the Summer Picnic from The Curated House on Vimeo.

You can find recipes for the lovely food featured in the video here. The beautiful plates were provided by Anthropologie {also the source of this inspirational dress}. And the visual beauty is all thanks to the creative genius of the delightful Phil Lindsay. 
Summer doesn’t officially succumb to Fall’s embrace for at least a couple of weeks yet, so I say ask her to dance. Feel the warmth of her sun on your skin, the breeze of her breath in your hair, the softness of her green blades of grassy attire beneath your bare feet as you sway to her soft rhythm. Squeeze out every last drop of goodness you can from the fruit of her season and savour each sip with the ones you love. It’s the stuff memories are made of.
By |September 7th, 2012|3 Comments

Herriott Grace: The Film

After sharing a bit of their charming story and delightful product with you yesterday, I couldn’t resist going one step further by sharing this in-depth look at the journey of the father-daughter duo that make up Herriott Grace. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a short film like this one is worth a beautiful, leather-bound book. Here is the under 2 minute trailer if you don’t have the 27 minutes for the full length version:

And if you would like to enter into their real-life story more fully – a story packed with charm and detail and found beauty and delight – then sit down with a warm cup of tea or a beautiful glass of red and enjoy.

Herriott Grace from Supplemental on Vimeo.

I hope this inspires you to connect with the ones you love this weekend; to perhaps send a thoughtful package in the post to a parent or grandparent or childhood friend (wrapped in brown paper and tied up with string, of course); and to take the risk of living into the fullness of who you are, offering your own unique creativity to the world as real art. Thank you, Lance + Nikole, for inspiring me with your story, your courage and your adventure. You reflect in such a meaningful way the motto I long to live by: “beautiful process, beautiful product.”


Director: John Cullen
Editor: Paul Proulx
Camera: Vinit Borrison & John Cullen
Producers: Supplemental
Sound: Jon Wayne Brown
Colour: Wade Odlum

By |June 29th, 2012|0 Comments