Having spent two full summers in South America in my teen years, I have a deeply rooted love for Latin culture. This culture offers a pace and an appreciation for things that transforms a person – especially a North American person – who has the privilege of spending time there. Latin culture is incredibly rich and vibrant, and it seeps through the pores of every facet of life like honey through a honeycomb.

I recently stumbled upon a visually stunning microdocumentary that not only showcases beautiful process and beautiful product, but also the holistic philosophy that so authentically represents the Latin way of doing life. Perhaps in watching this, you too will fall in love with a different pace and a deeply respectful appreciation for people and process.

made in MIMBRE from The Andes House on Vimeo.

Just a few shots of their beautiful product:

Today my wish for you is that you will be able to appreciate the people that are significant to your process. My hope is that – in true Latin style – you will discover that you are both valued and that you value others above the end results. This is one of the most important ways we can make our process much more beautiful. Thank you to the team at Made In Mimbre for leading by example.
