I have a confession to make. I love being organized. I love it when everything is neatly in it’s place and there is a total lack of visual clutter. Here’s the thing. I am not naturally organized. Like, not at all. I am creative and extremely visual, so I often keep things “out where I will remember them.” We all know what that leads to. And so the tension between loving a neat and organized space and being a visual creative is an ongoing battle for me.

I’m a huge believer in doing what you’re good at and then calling on others to do what they are good at to fill in your “gaps” and make you better. Enter Melanie Fascitelli, President and Creative Director of Clos-ette Luxury Closets and the woman on my wish-list of consultants to help me live my organizational dreams. 
Based out of NYC, Melanie is in fact considered the closet organizer to the stars, a well-respected guru in designing and building custom closets and dressing rooms that are as functional as they are beautiful. If a custom closet makeover just isn’t in your budget right now, you can still benefit from her editorial genius through her lovely product line of travel cases, Clos-ette Too. Melanie has also recently launched a gorgeous online magazine with inspiring stories of organizational transformations. Here’s a sneak peek inside this lovely mag’s pages with just one such story:

Organization is such a meaningful way to bring beauty to the world {order out of chaos!}  and I love that Melanie’s mission is to help us edit our closets so that form and function can meet and co-habitate in the loveliest way!

Here’s an up-close look at her brilliant travel jewellery and makeup cases. They are so well designed with such thoughtful details to keep necklaces from tangling and rings from getting lost.

Pretty fabulous, right? What are your favourite tips for being organized in your house, kitchen and closet?
