Today being the 1st day of November, I feel a bit like waiving a white flag. There’s no fighting it anymore. Autumn is upon us in all her splendour, displaying glorious colours and moody skies and a beautiful unpredictability in her winds that makes me certain that if seasons had genders, Autumn would indeed be a woman.

{2012 Family Photos by Gabriela Hansen}

Winter? Well, someone long before me deemed Winter an old man, and I think they were so right. They just missed an adjective…perhaps a grumpy old man? Don’t get me wrong. I love that Graham and Noah thrill in hockey season and skiing and all things winter. I live vicariously through their sub-zero joy. But me? I hibernate. I recoil from Old Man Winter’s chilly edge.

I have to wonder if Winter doesn’t also have a thing or two to teach me, though. About contrast. About learning to warm oneself through seasons of struggle. About perseverance and finding beauty in what doesn’t charm you at first. I need to be open, even if my coat is zipped up to the very top and wrapped tight with a scarf to keep out those biting winds.

{Photo by Gabriela Hansen}

One lesson I think Old Man Winter is out to teach me is about preparedness. “Get ready!” he says, “I’m a’comin’.” From lining my nest with warmer textures and blankets to making sure we’ve all got cozy socks and all the bits and pieces we need, I think Winter is telling me it’s really good to plan ahead. It’s a good reminder, especially with another very special someone saying “Get ready! I’m a’comin’!!”

As I think about prepping for this sweet baby boy’s arrival in early January, one of the things I’m thinking about is food. Sustenance. Basically, I’m thinking about survival and how the heck I’m going to feed my family while in a sleep-deprived stupor. So I’m calling upon Autumn’s bounty and Winter’s lessons in preparedness to work on some simple but nourishing dishes to have at the ready. Today I’m going to share one of my really basic favourites with you.

2.5 lbs organic carrots
1 large onion
1/4 c. butter
6-8 cups organic chicken broth
2-3 Tbsp fresh ginger
Sea salt + pepper to taste
Plain Greek yoghurt and cilantro for garnish {optional}

Preheat oven to 350˚F. Peel and roughly chop the carrots. Roughly chop the onion. Cut 1/4 c. butter into cubes and distribute over carrots and onions in a roasting pan. Roast in the oven until carrots and onions are tender and begin to caramelize {30-40 mins}.
In a large stock pot, chicken broth {6 cups for a thicker soup, 8 for a thinner consistency…you can add more at the end if you want to} and simmer together for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, peel and chop 2-3 Tbsp fresh ginger. Once the vegetables are done simmering in the broth and are incredibly tender, add the fresh ginger along with salt and pepper to taste. Transfer to a good quality blender or use an immersion hand blender to purée into a velvety smooth finish. Garnish with a generous dollop of plain Greek yoghurt and some freshly chopped cilantro and ENJOY!
This soup stores really well in mason jars in the fridge and can also be frozen if you need to start planning ahead for a busy season. Guess what I’ll be making this weekend?
Wishing you a cozy, happy start to your November.