I’ve seen some really amazing ideas lately for wrapping gifts with drama and flair – wow! All you have to do is a quick search of Pinterest and you’ll find an astonishing array of extravagant efforts. Gift wrapping is truly an art form for some, and I love seeing so much attention to detail put into the presentation of a thoughtful gift.
I too love gift wrapping, but my style has become increasingly minimalist over the years. I think it’s in line with the mantra that I’m learning to live by as embodied by Leonardo DaVinci’s quote:
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
I find myself cycling back to these words on so many things – interior design, fashion, life choices, balance. And yes, even gift wrapping! So much so, in fact, that last year I bought a giant roll of brown paper with the cutter attached so that my go-to favourite means of wrapping gifts would always be readily on hand.
{Remember my road-map-wrapped gifts from last year? I did love them, but this year I’m taking things in a different direction.}
As it turns out, my blogging friend and paper-afficionado-extraordinaire, Lindsay Stephenson of Little House Blog and The Penny Paper Co., shares my love of brown paper packages tied up with string. OK, so actually it’s more like “brown paper packages tied up with ribbons and bling!” A girl can’t be too simple about these things. But she is my paper-loving-soul-mate and that’s really the point here.
I was truly inspired by Lindsay’s recent post about holiday wrapping and naturally fell head-over-heels in love with her chevron grosgrain ribbon, so I was beyond delighted when she offered to send me some ribbon to play with for myself. {Confession time: I have a blogging crush on Lindsay and think her photographs are quite seriously gorgeous. I love her aesthetic and her honesty, too. You should definitely follow her if you don’t already.}
Using some matte black card stock and a simple gold pen, I got my artsy on and created these personalized tags filled with holiday wishes. I simply traced the templates in paper, cut them out and then got a little creative with the gold pen. I really think the simple palette of black, white and gold on the humble brown paper packages works. It makes a statement without being crazy-over-the-top…just my style.
Whatever your style, I hope this holiday season is one of joy and happiness for you and yours. Take time to savour the people who make this time of year meaningful to you. Make memories together. You might not be able to wrap them up, but you’ll treasure them forever and they’ll be more meaningful than anything you place under the tree.
P.S. In a brilliant moment of pregnancy brain, two weeks has turned into three! That said, I am delighted to announce the winners of the Oh Baby! Freshly Picked Giveaway…Amy and Lesley, please email me with your mailing addresses, and CONGRATULATIONS!
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