It’s December 1st and that time of year again! The time when we scour the globe in search of that perfect something that will light a spark in our loved one’s eye and make them feel treasured. Honestly, gifts are my top love language {tied with words of affirmation} so I really value the opportunity Christmas brings to shower love on my special people this way.

For me, the best gifts are gifts with heart – gifts that are thoughtful, meaningful and personal. But gifts with heart can also be gifts with a compassionate conscience.

As you all know, I’m beyond passionate about the process behind a product, believing that the way something is made can contribute {positively or negatively} to its true beauty. If a product is made in a way that honours the people and planet involved in its creation, then it has true and lasting beauty. Conversely, if a product is made in a way that abuses people or the planet, then any outward beauty it may hold isn’t authentic.

That’s why I’m thrilled to shine a spotlight on Ten Thousand Villages today for my first Curated Gift Guide for the season. Ten Thousand Villages is all about authentic beauty from the inside out. They are one of the largest and most experienced fair trade retailers in the world, which could bring with it some hefty buying power. But rather than negotiating for the lowest possible price from the artisans they work with, they pay fair prices as set by the artisans themselves and reinvest company profits to support education for the next generation, food security, community development and the creation of more employment and leadership opportunities. Now that’s a beautiful process.

Oh yes, and the products? Gorgeous! Just take a look at my Curated Gift Guide from Ten Thousand Villages this year.

I recently popped in to visit our Oakville location and was blown away by how many incredible finds were there waiting for me. So much beautiful craftsmanship, so many beautiful stories behind the products! And so many meaningful gifts waiting to be given.

The line up of products is so extensive I could never feature it all, so why not pop into a local store or visit them online and get your shopping done without ever getting out of your jammies? No one will be the wiser, and they’ll be feeling the love when they open their gorgeous gifts with heart.
