
Designer Dream House: Bathroom Diaries | How Good Design Can Improve Your Health

It only took a few hours on the Modenus BlogTourKBIS for me to be nicknamed Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. It’s true. I’m kind of an alternative health nerd, always reaching into my purse for an essential oil to cure whatever ails you. I’ve learned through my own health journey that it’s possible to address stress and health challenges naturally and achieve better results than what most drugs can accomplish.

As a designer, I’m always looking for ways to integrate this passion for healthy living into my approach to luxury residential design. To me, home should be a sanctuary, a place where the stresses of the world melt away as we restore and refresh. We’ve all been striving to recreate the look of a spa bathroom in our own homes with beautiful design finishes, but what if we could recreate the spa experience too?

Image via Le Scandinave


For years now, our favourite spa ritual as a couple has been to head to Le Scandinave to celebrate our anniversary. It’s a 2 hour drive from home, but entirely worth it. We haven’t found anything that equals the decompression we experience there, and we always walk away breathing better, thinking more clearly and glowing from the inside out.

Image via Le Scandinave

Based on the Scandinavian hot/cold bathing ritual, we start by spending 10-15 minutes in something hot (either the dry sauna, the outdoor hot tubs or the eucalyptus steam room) and then plunge in ice cold waters for 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Next, we find a quiet place to rest for about 10 minutes in one of the adirondack chairs scattered around wood burning fires on the property, and then we do it all over again. It’s nothing short of magical, and I’ve been dying to recreate it at home since I first experienced it years ago.

Image via Le Scandinave


Not one to let a dream like this just waste away, we invested in an infrared sauna a few years ago thinking we could achieve the same detoxifying, decompressing and rejuvenating hot/cold experience at home. I’m sad to say it was a total designer fail. I would sit in the heat and then shower off with ice cold water and wait for my breathing to get easier and the stress to melt away, and it just didn’t happen. 

What I didn’t realize (until my recent Hammam experience on BlogTourKBIS) is that it’s the specific kind of heat that matters most. You see, I always spend all my time in the Eucalyptus Steam Room at Le Scandinave. I’m just naturally drawn there and always experience the deepest health benefits when I spend all of my “hot time” in that beautifully foggy round room.

Image via Le Scandinave

I was reminded once again of the power of steam during our Hammam Spa experience on BlogTourKBIS. I walked away with the that same powerfully decompressed, de-stressed, rejuvenated and fully alive feeling I get when we go to Le Scandinave. The common denominator? Both spas are outfitted with Mr. Steam.

Image via Mr. Steam

This is wonderful news for all of us, because in addition to creating commercial steam units for spas, Mr. Steam allows us to bring the beauty of healthy living home.

I wish you could have seen my (designer nerd/health nerd) face light up as Martha from Mr. Steam explained to me how easy it is to install a Mr. Steam unit in a home environment. The steam unit can be stored in a closet or even an attic space as much as 120 feet from the enclosed shower space, can be integrated into an existing enclosed shower, and the cost is very approachable with units starting at 1000 USD and costing only pennies a day to operate.


Turns out my body was leading me in the right direction all along. Here are just some of the incredible health benefits to be experienced from steam therapy:

Image via Mr. Steam

1/ BREATHE BETTER My experience of breathing better after steam therapy isn’t all in my head. It’s a real thing. In fact, steam therapy can help dramatically for those who suffer from asthma, allergies, bronchitis and sinus infections. Choose a unit that includes the dispensing of essential oils for even greater health benefits.

2/ GET YOUR GLOW ON My skin never looks better than after a steam therapy experience. My pores are smaller, my skin glows and it is perfectly balanced and hydrated. Like a good facial, the steam opens up my pores and uses my body’s largest organ – my skin – to detoxify me from the inside out, releasing toxins from head-to-toe while relieving my skin of blemishes and my body of impurities.

3/ RELIEVE YOUR PAIN As someone who lives with rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, I can tell you that steam therapy is incredible for relieving pain. My muscles become pliable and agile again, and my circulation is always way significantly improved. The night we went to the Hammam Spa on BlogTourKBIS I was beyond spent. My muscles were screaming at me after days of walking the show floor, and our exciting but exhausting itinerary was catching up with me both physically and mentally. Magically, I left the spa feeling alive and totally ready to engage in our next event. This is just one reason why steam therapy has to become a part of my daily at-home health ritual.

4/ LOSE WEIGHT On average, steam therapy burns 150 calories in 15 minutes. Who couldn’t use a little boost to their metabolism? Lose weight while relaxing? I’ll take it!

5/ SLEEP BETTER I am here to tell you that I never sleep better than after a steam therapy experience, and this is coming from someone who struggles with sleep. After a steam spa experience, I always sleep deeply and wake feeling truly rested and refreshed. Knowing that getting REM sleep nightly is one of the most anti-aging, health-promoting habits we can have, I’m dying to recreate that experience every day!

Image via Mr. Steam

After reading all I’ve shared, I’m sure you can understand why a Mr. Steam steam therapy unit is officially at the top of my Designer Dream House Master Ensuite Wish List. Oh yes, and we sold our infrared sauna this weekend. Why hold onto what’s not working? Time to make room for what we really want.

Here’s to your health and design dreams coming true! Stay tuned for my next post where I’ll share the most important elements to consider when designing your dream kitchen.


By |February 17th, 2016|2 Comments

Designer Dream House Diaries | Touchless Technology You’ll Want In Your Home

Did you know that your garbage disposal is one of the top ten most germ-infested hot spots in your house? It’s true, and for a certifiable germaphobe like me, it’s something I’m painfully aware of every time I touch the handle of my built-in recycling centre. That’s why I got very, very excited about the new touchless technology I saw introduced while at KBIS 2016 as a part of the Modenus BlogTour.


First up is this genius motion-detected system from Hafele that opens your trash centre without any germ transfer taking place. Thank you Jeanne Khoe Chung for capturing this on video at KBIS 2016!

This innovation from Hafele is absolutely on the top of my list of Designer Dream Kitchen Must Haves. The design plan will include a 10′ long island housing two 18″ touchless trash centres flanking my massive sink.


Knowing that the kitchen faucet is The Number One most germ infested item in the house, that sink will of course be fitted with a touchless faucet from Brizo the likes of this:

I love it when beauty and function meet, and Brizo totally has my number on that front with countless styles and finishes available with SmartTouch technology integrated. Remember the brass beauty from my luxe laundry room? It’s a part of this brilliant line up, and I can’t wait to get this technology integrated into my kitchen as well. For me, it’s all about my hands covered in raw meat and being able to turn on the faucet with just the touch of my wrist. Thank you, Brizo, for addressing my germaphobe needs in style!



The piéce de résistence of my Designer Dream House Touchless Technology Wish List is what I’ve affectionately nicknamed the Tesla of Toilets. Truly in a class of its own, Toto‘s NeoRest 750H takes touchless technology to a whole new, jaw-dropping level. Here are just some of the wow-worthy features:

1/ RED CARPET ROYAL TREATMENT Would you believe me if I told you that this toilet senses your approach and lifts the lid in anticipation of your arrival? Not only is that true, but it will also learn who the males and females are in the house and lift (or not lift) the luxuriously heated seat accordingly. That’s right, your toilet will get to know you and treat you like red carpet royalty every time you approach your throne. Who doesn’t want that kind of warm welcome for their tush?

2/ TOSS YOUR TOILET SCRUBBER Let’s get technical for just a second to explain how this is possible. The NeoRest 750H has a titanium dioxide and zirconium glaze called Hydrotect that makes it almost impossible for both visible and invisible organic waste matter (including lime and mould build-up) to adhere to the bowl. In addition to the red carpet experience of the heated seat and hands-free lid-lifting, the toilet sprays a fine mist onto the bowl before you use it, further preventing organic waste matter from hanging around.

4/ TOSS THE TOILET PAPER TOO This is where the royal treatment really wows the hygienically conscious crowd. The heated seat also has a built-in personal cleansing system. Using warm, aerated water and then warm air to cleanse and dry you, the NeoRest 750H will actually improve your health and personal hygiene, allowing you to forgo the toilet paper and walk away as much as 35% cleaner every time.

5/ GIVE YOUR CLEANING LADY (+ HARSH CHEMICALS) THE DAY OFF Once the totally touchless, patented tornado flush is finished its work, the real cleaning magic begins. As a busy mom and designer, I often joke that I want cleaning fairies that appear in the night and scrub my toilets for me. Well, friends, this is the cleaning fairy I’ve been waiting for. The lid of the NeoRest 750H has an integrated UV light called Actilight built right into it. Post flush, this blue light (combined with the titanium dioxide in the Hydrotect glaze) creates a process called photocatalysis. It totally breaks down any remaining organic matter and leaves you with a fresh bowl every time without any harsh chemicals adding to the toxic load in your home. Here’s a quick video to show you how it works:

Now that is technology worth getting excited about! The truth is, as a designer I’ve been exclusively specifying Toto toilets on my client projects for over a decade. They are truly the leader in toilet technology and personal hygiene, and the NeoRest 750H dual flush toilet is the crowning jewel to Toto‘s achievements.

Because I’m so passionate about design finds that are beautiful, innovative and improve the way we live, I’ve started creating my own list of Designer Dream House Must Haves for every room in your home. In my next post, I’ll talk about the number one thing I’ll be designing my next master ensuite around to dramatically improve my health. Hint: you’re going to want one too.

Here’s to your happy, healthy, beautiful life!


By |February 16th, 2016|0 Comments

Why Peer Mentorship Is Essential For Entrepreneurs | Modenus BlogTourKBIS

Photo by Tori Aston from Modenus BlogTourKBIS 2016

It was 2011 and I was riding high on a phenomenal full house reno that had recently finished to huge success. I was one of the lucky ones. I had come through the 2008 market crash without my business following suit. I had clients who were either smart enough or wealthy enough that the market didn’t effect our projects, and after a decade in business I was really starting to find my stride.

And then it happened. For the first time ever in a decade of business. 3 dishonest clients in a row stiffed me – a polite term for the financial and emotional trauma of what went on – to the tune of more than 10K. It wasn’t the dollars of it, it was the absolute shock. It felt personal. I felt like someone had scraped out my insides and left me hollow. I was a house of cards just waiting to be blown over by a gentle gust of wind.

Well, the gentle gust of wind came more like a tornado in the form of two serious car accidents 6 months apart, right on the heels of my business betrayals. Suddenly I found myself in physiotherapy 5 days a week. For two years. It was a full time job. My whole world as a business owner came to a complete stop, and oddly, the business pain was almost as intense as the physical pain.

It was during my season of physical recovery that I launched The Curated House and started to look for a design sisterhood. The truth is, the business of interior design can be very isolating. Yes, we interact with wonderful suppliers and clients, but often we lack a trusted peer group with which to share our highs and lows – our best practices and horror stories – especially when we own our own businesses. And as I’ve learned, it’s shared experiences that make us stronger.

It took some time for me to find the courage to start sharing my story in small doses. It was like testing the waters to see if they were too cold to go deeper. No one likes to go from designing and building/renovating 3-4 million dollar homes to landing flat on her badonkadonk. But there I was, and I needed a hand up.

Over time it got easier to share – bit by bit – and I found there were more kindred spirits out there than I’d expected. Turns out, I wasn’t the only one. I kept whispering to myself “It’s not just me” in amazement as I heard the stories of others. Many amazing designers, in fact, had been beaten and bruised along the way, and worst of all, left feeling like somehow it was their fault. Funny how a business that can appear so glamorous from the outside can be painfully otherwise behind the scenes.

My first real design sister – the kind who feels like family and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt would do anything to support my success – was Lisa Canning. This girl knows how to love hard, and she was God’s hand reaching out to help me up off my ass when she came into my life in 2013. And because of my experience with Lisa, I knew that sisterhood was indeed possible.

Enter Veronika Miller and BlogTourKBIS 2016. Before even meeting her in person, she shared some of her hard-won wisdom with me. She said, “Here’s the thing. I spent years being a woman and trying to ‘handle it’  or ‘fight through it.’ It’s when I started to ask for help and allow others to see my weakness that the knot unraveled. It’s actually what made me strong.”

It was Veronika’s vulnerability with me that gave me the courage to more than dip my toe in the waters when I arrived at BlogTourKBIS. And guess what I found? The waters were warm. I met 24 other designers ready to share not only in an experience together, but also to share the real stuff of what it takes to run a design business. The good, the bad and the ugly. Our five days together were another step in redeeming my design story. Five days of fun and wicked blisters and way too many selfies. Five days of amazing food and design inspiration and sharing our real selves with each other. I hate clichés, but this trip was one I’ll never forget.

All 25 of us slathered in mud masks as we experienced Mr. Steam’s incredible steam therapy together

I share all of this with you because I’ve learned over the years that a story that remains untold helps no one. I share this with you because I know that some of you out there are feeling like you’ve been knocked on your ass in business and you need a hand up. Well, I’m here to tell you you’re not alone. And I hope you’ll find the courage to tell the real story of who you are and what you’ve experienced with your whole heart. Share your story with someone you can trust so that you can experience the grace and kindness and hope that is waiting for you in the hand of someone ready to help you get back up again.

Let me clarify: Sisterhood does not require crisis. Sisterhood can be formed over glasses of champagne and laughter and mud masks and Chinese-Mexican fusion. But sisterhood (and brotherhood…real community) is what you’ll need when the hard stuff hits. And sista, it hits. That’s why I’m grateful to say that my design sisterhood got a whole lot bigger thanks to Veronika Miller, Modenus and BlogTourKBIS 2016.

Stay tuned for my favourite trends and highlights from KBIS 2016! I’ll be sharing lots of design goodies with you in the weeks to come. But somehow this just had to come first.


By |February 2nd, 2016|22 Comments