It was love at first read when I stumbled upon Erica Cook‘s lovely home in the latest issue of Rue Magazine. I say “love at first read” and not “love at first sight” on purpose. Of course I’m all about Erica’s cool, eclectic, feminine, edgy and über-chic aesthetic. But it is her “happy heart home” philosophy that had me at hello.
It’s a tough thing to balance the pursuit of visual beauty with the pursuit of inner beauty and deeper meaning, especially in an industry that is as fast-paced and demanding as interior design. When your particular brand of “balance” also includes being a mom at the end of the day, the level of intention goes up about a thousand notches. This challenge is all too familiar to me, so I was immediately drawn to Erica’s higher goals and deeper philosophy as I read the article. I just knew I had to interview her.

Erica, you’ve had a really adventurous career – from working with Sarah Richardson and navigating the world of design television to moving to Calgary and launching out on your own. What principles have guided the roles and clients you’ve taken on over the years?

Yes, I feel very blessed to have had the fantastic work experience that I’ve had. Starting out with Sarah and the team there was life changing. I’m not even sure if they’d know just how much they moulded my future and career. I’ve learned over time that Sarah had a very unique approach, she’s one of the hardest working, most down to earth and creative people I’ve ever met. I also appreciated that Sarah is extremely versatile and can do any aesthetic well. I think that was one of the biggest influences I took away and that has still applied until today. 
How are your design philosophy and your life philosophy similar? 

It’s undoubtedly going to sound cliche but I really don’t sweat the small stuff. Things always fall in to place and when one idea or specification doesn’t work out something better almost always comes along. I believe it’s most important to keep your focus on the things that really matter. For me that’s family, and I try to incorporate that in to my design work. Sometimes without my clients even knowing. Spaces need to be conducive to living your best life. Last but not least I try to always treat clients as I would like to be treated. That’s important. 
I just love Erica’s outdoor room. I think I’d escape here daily if I had a space like this!
How has your design business changed since you started blogging?

I actually don’t find that my business has changed much since blogging. Perhaps blogging buys me some street cred, however, I was established enough in who I am that it hasn’t changed me. The one thing that’s  been amazing is having a light shone on my own home internationally via other blogs and online publications. I do appreciate the community of great bloggers that are out there. It’s amazing that I can feel supported and inspired just by dropping by and visiting. 
As a mom to one wonderful boy {and with a second boy on the way} I can’t help but admire you as a super-mom to FIVE incredible boys! What has been your mama-mantra over the years to keep you heart-happy, grounded and balanced?

Thank you Sarah. My boys come first. Always. When I have a project that’s starting to make home life unbalanced I pull back the reigns a little. Balance isn’t always easy but definitely worth striving for. At the same time, I’ve always felt that it’s important for my boys to witness me pursuing my dreams and accomplishing the goals I’ve set for myself.
How do you think being a strong and capable yet feminine woman has influenced your boys and their perspective on the world?

Fortunately and unfortunately my boys have been aware of my having to stand up and fight for what I believe in more than once over the years. I think they have a unique perspective similar to mine… cherish the people that matter, be polite and courteous still to the people that don’t, and never sacrifice your self respect or dignity. Having witnessed their mother be strong they seem to have the ability to decide what’s best for them and they are fearless about exploring the things they love. That intrepid spirit is perhaps the thing that makes me happiest when I catch a glimpse of it in them. 

How do you know when your balance is off-kilter, and what do you do to bring it back around to a heart-happy centre?

I know my balance is thrown when I start to constantly feel that I’m forgetting something. When that nagging feeling starts to set in I know I’ve got to sit back and reassess. 

What are you dreaming of for the next few years ahead? What makes you giddy with anticipation, what scares you just a little, and what fuels your dreams?

My plan is to continue to explore other ways of expressing myself, some of which I’ve done before and some things maybe I’ll discover for the first time. I’ve made jewelry in the past and am excited to return a bit of creative focus there, but I’ve also been turning some attention to picking up a paintbrush again. My grandmother was an artist and painting feels like a great way to reconnect with her, like I did so often as a child, now that she’s gone. It takes me to a happy place. I’d like to pepper my design career with some further exploration of both. I’m open to new challenges and believe they’ll come my way when I’m ready. In the words of Tina Fey “say yes and you’ll figure it out after.” 

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Thank you so much for sharing your philosophy, your home and your open heart with us, Erica. I have no doubt this year will bring you many opportunities to explore your gifts further as you continue on your design adventures with Moth Design {Making Others Truly Happy}.
