In just one short week, hundreds of Canada’s brightest and best bloggers will gather at the event of the year for reigniting our blogging fire: Blogpodium. For all the summits and conferences and gatherings that happen south of the border for American Bloggeratti, Blogpodium is really the it conference for those of us in the great {and, thank God, not-yet-white} north.

“Why should I be there?” I hear you asking. Here are four fabulous reasons to join me at the table:

1. Relationships In Real Life

Last year I sat around a lunch table with a group of amazing and inspiring women from across the country and inadvertently landed right next to the lovely Lisa Canning. We compared pregnancy notes {we were both pregnant at the time} and dished about life as interior designers and what our goals were for our blogs. It was so wonderful to connect with someone who was experiencing a lot of the same joys and challenges I was facing, and we’ve kept in touch since then!


The internet can be a lonely place, loves. Even though we may be connecting with tens of thousands of people with our posts, we don’t get to connect over coffee most of the time. And I don’t know about you, but relationships are my oxygen, my fuel and what reignites in me a desire to inspire and create meaningful content. After all, if it’s not for meaningful connections with real people then who is it for? So come and put faces to names and meet new kindred spirits. You’ll be glad you did.

2. Inspiration and Collaboration

This is a phenomenal opportunity to hear people’s stories and learn from their successes. Not just those with a mic, but also those sitting right beside you. The world of blogging is an ever-evolving medium, and having the opportunity to be a part of the conversation about where we’ve come and where we are going helps to shape it for the better…for all of us. And who knows? You might just find someone you want to collaborate with – on a series of posts, on a project or as a peer mentor. Come open and ready to both give and receive.

3. Brand Relationships

I am duly impressed with the fruitful efforts of the Blogpodium team in engaging with fantastic brands. They continue to aim higher and work harder to provide an environment for you to see and be seen so to speak. From the market-like environment of the breaks to the targeted breakout sessions, this is a brilliant opportunity to connect with brands that really understand a mutual win mindset.

4. Flat-out Fabulous Content

It is so easy to create noise and fluff in a world that is already cluttered with the DIY-how-to-become-an-internet-sensation-overnight-glitter-glue of social media. That is NOT what you will find here. From marketing experts educating you on SEO and how to architect brand partnerships to photography and vlogging workshops, you will be taking notes, picking up business cards and making the connections you need to propel your platform forward, loves. The keynotes will inspire you, the breakout workshops will equip you, and together it will fuel you for a fabulous finish to 2014 and a fresh start for the New Year ahead!

So here’s to making connections, learning, growing, and shaping this fun and fabulous world together as we get our inspiration on. I hope you’ll join me!


All photos by the fabulous Annawithlove Photography