I have a confession to make. I love herbs. In fact, I think they are one of my love languages. Lovely friends of mine who know this to be true recently led me to my birthday celebration this year with a sweetly bundled bunch of fresh herbs. Aromatic, intoxicating and rich with possibilities, herbs have the power to bring my senses alive to the bounty of nature.

I was utterly taken by a recent post by photographer Parker Fitzgerald for Kinfolk on Herb Drying and had to share it with you today. Since feasting my eyes and my imagination on these gorgeous photos, I’ve been dreaming about where I might create a herb drying shed of my own. Time to purge the garage, perhaps! In the meantime, I hope Parker’s stunning photography and Amy Merrick‘s beautifully organic styling inspire you as much as they have me!

All photographs by Parker Fitzgerald
Styling by Amy Merrick
Model: Skye Velten

Wishing you a fragrant and inspired Tuesday!
