Oh. My. Goodness. I am excited, friends. Remember my recent post about the beautiful book Instant Love by Jen Altman and Amanda Gilligan? Well I’ve been searching for an old Polaroid SX70 camera ever since. I haven’t found one yet {mark my words, I will!}, but in the meantime, I’ve found Part 2 of my soon-to-be Polaroid Adventures.

With the boom of neverending iPhone camera apps, beautiful photos in digital form abound. Just follow a few interesting people on Instagram and you’ll know what I mean. But what to do with them from there? Are they destined to remain trapped on your iPhone forever, never living up to their full potential to be appreciated?

Heaven’s, no. Enter the utterly ingenious team from Impossible. Starting with a small team of the top 10 former Polaroid employees, they set out to save Polaroid film from extinction in 2008. They succeeded and are now producing the original film {as well as innovative new films} for Polaroid cameras in the original factory in Enschede, Netherlands.

Not content to stop with that massive win, they continued to innovate. And what they’ve created gets me really, really excited. OK, drum roll is long enough. Here it is.

Yes, that’s right friends. This amazing device takes your favourite iPhone photos and coverts them into warm and vintage-looking Polaroid prints. Digital to Analog in seconds. Before your very eyes. Check out this video {just in case you don’t believe me!}:

I know. It’s instantly on all of your wish lists. Me too. But we have to wait until 2013 to get it in our hot little hands. So until then, keep snapping up inspirational photos on those iPhones, friends. All the more material to work with when the Impossible Instant Lab is finally ready to come out and play.
