There is something about the painterly brushstrokes of the work of Paul Ferney that I find so engaging. The textural, almost gestural brush strokes transport me into a scene that Ferney has scripted and yet somehow left open to my imagination. And on a scorching hot summer’s day like today, Ferney‘s beach scenes are just where I would like to imagine myself to be.


Although San Francisco is home, Ferney and his wife {event planner and blogger Jordan Ferney of Oh Happy Day!} recently spent one glorious year in Paris. You will definitely want to check out Jordan’s blog, as her DIY ideas for personalizing your next fête are nothing short of delightful. And for your daily dose of delight right here, feast your eyes and indulge your senses in Paul’s serene and engaging oil paintings.

“I like the way paint feels, the look of paint,” Says Ferney. “If I’m painting a tree, I’m not trying to make the painting look like a tree; I want it to look like paint—to never forget that it is paint. I like how primitive painting tools are. I use hair tied to a stick to spread oil mixed with plants and dirt on cloth.”

That appreciation for the elements – the love of the process – are so evident in Ferney’s work. The medium is not lost in the message. Rather, it becomes a significant part of the message itself.
In some ways that love of the medium and the process can be most aptly appreciated in the painterly details of these smalls. 

I confess I am now longing for one of Paul’s paintings in my home. Wouldn’t one of his smalls look so inspiring in the nursery I’ll be designing in the months to come? I’d also love one of his large canvases as the visual anchor for our family room, especially because playing at the beach is one of our happiest “happy places” as a family. 
I do hope Paul’s inspiring work has transported you to a happy place today.